Eliminating inefficiencies and quickly adapting to change is a constant challenge in the business world.
Eliminating inefficiencies and quickly adapting to change is a constant challenge in the business world. In the past, decisions were made by members of management where with "intuition" based on experience, a number of changes were defined that affected an entire organization.
In the modern world where data is one of the most important assets, basing decision-making on it is almost a must rather than an option.
Business intelligence (BI) appears as a set of strategies to transform data into information, and information into knowledge in order to help companies make data-based decisions. It emerged in the 1960s as a system for sharing information between organizations and in the 1980s it further developed along with computer models.
Implementing business intelligence is of great importance at a strategic level for an organization, since it implies having a comprehensive view of all its data and accessing it in such a way that it allows answering questions of vital importance to the business, for example:
Having answers to these and other questions allows action to be taken, either reactive in the face of a particular situation or preventive in the event of evaluating a trend. All of this translates into money savings by making the best decisions in each particular case and with tangible evidence.
From the IT perspective, Business Intelligence systems and components are optimized for "ask and disclose" in contrast to traditional systems that are focused on information entry and storage.
We can summarize the great benefits of implementing business intelligence as follows:
It is common for organizations to use Microsoft Excel as the main data analysis tool, bringing complications that result in higher costs. For example, the difficulty of accessing the source data, its management and transformation, and the delay times in generating the reports.
The first step is to find a match on one or more of these points:
The second step is to find a supplier, consultant or group of experts who know:
The third and final step is to understand the following realities when adopting a BI solution:
At Systems X we have several years of experience in these processes supporting the corporate sector, do not hesitate to share your challenges with us, we are here to help!